新界泵业(浙江)有限公司,创建于1984年,总部位于浙江温岭,是一家专业生产经营各类泵及控制设备有限公司。目前拥有6大品牌、十四大产品系列、14家控股子公司。40余年来,新界泵业一直专注于各类泵及控制设备等产品的技术研究、生产制造、市场推广,致力引领流体产业,共创品质生活。SHIMGE PUMP INDUSTRY (ZHEJIANG) CO., LTD, founded in 1984 and headquartered in Wenling, Zhejiang, is a professional production and operation company specializing in various types of pumps and control equipment. Currently, it has 6 major brands, 14 major product series, and 14 holding subsidiaries. For over 40 years, the New Territories Pump Industry has been focusing on technical research, production and manufacturing, and market promotion of various pumps and control equipment products, committed to leading the fluid industry and creating a quality life together.
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