
Labiotest offers products and technologies for odour abatement. We are  experts in various fields such as liquid and solid waste treatment, food& beverage and farming.

Product introduction

1.Odour Abatement through osmogenic barrier - Osmogenic barriersoperate using dilution water and specific products. These products contain elements that are hydrophobic, consisting of rather long hydrocarbons chains. They have properties enabling them to form various types of large molecular units, called micelles. Osmogenic barriers are the only solutions in case of diffused emissions when conveying is not possible. However, they are also efficient when the conveying of emissions takes place with the help of bars equipped with spraying nozzles directly set up inside the fumes exhausting stacks. They are efficient when assembled upstream or downstream of the equipment. Olfactometric investigations performed in compliance with standard UNI EN 13725: 2004 tested all the abatement efficiencies of solutions offered by Labiotest. Tests have shown that efficiency exceeds 75% in the fields of application investigated.
2. Application in Food & beverage sector - In the field of catering and fast food, the problem of odors coming from kitchens exhaust pipes is often the cause of olfactive nuisance and consequent disputes.Especially in residential areas and cities, they cause more than a fewproblems to neighbors as regards quality of life. They also influence other activities in commercial areas, shops and boutiques located in the neighborhood of restaurants, cafeterias and fast-food restaurants.
To deal with this problem, thanks to more than 30 years of experience in this industrial field, Labiotest has designed Zephiro UTS, aninnovative technology that can be adapted to any type of kitchen and premises, to abate odor concentration (troublesome) by means of ultrasounds.
3. Liquid and solid waste treatment - Labiotest started as a chemical analyses laboratory to support companies belonging to Gruppo Luci that operate in the field of waste collection and disposal. Throughout the years, the company has developed its own technologies for odors abatement, in order to solve osmogenous problems in then eighborhood of such plants. Labiotest is now able to deal with any problem and solve matters related to waste, whether solid or liquid. Landfills, composting plants, treatment and sorting equipment, storage devices, and treatment equipment for wastewaters are some of the most meaningful Labiotest references. In these cases, the company has obtained abatement rates of odor concentration up to

80%, as certified by olfactometric investigations carried out according to standard UNI EN 13725

Contact way

Contact Name:Mr.Jacopo Luci
Add:Via Pramollo, 6 – 33040 Povoletto (UD) - Italy

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